At the Fall Urban Land Institute (ULI) Conference in LA, I participated on a ULI panel entitled the “Magic of Mentorship: Getting Value on Both Sides of the Relationship” on October 24, 2017 with my ULI-New York mentee Krystyn Gatto, who now co-chairs the ULI-New York Young Leaders Group (YLG).
The panel included three sets of mentor/mentees discussing various aspects of their relationship- two women, two men, and one male/female set.
Whereas Krystyn and I were paired as part of a formal ULI-New York YLG program, the others were either in another ULI program or a former employer/employee who maintained a rapport.
The bottom line of the panel was that chemistry is important, the mentor should listen to what the mentee needs, results are better when the mentee comes to the meetings with a set goal or questions, and both parties learn about the other generation from the relationship.

Tags: #MerrieFrankel, board member, Female board director, financial expertise, Frankel, Merrie, Merrie Frankel, Merrie S Frankel, Minerva consulting, NAREIT, New York, REIT, REIT expert, ULI, ULI Trustee